Rollover Manager Filters

The Rollover Manager filters allow you to select which returns you want to view at a specific time. Filters appear dynamically, based on the data in your system. For example, the system shown below only contains returns that fit the Individual, Corporation, S Corporation, Partnership, and Fiduciary categories because these are the only return types available for rollover:

Rollover Manager filters

The following table describes each of the filters in detail:




Find check box and field

By checking the Find check box, you can then search for a rollover return by entering search criteria in the Find field. This is especially useful when you're searching for a return by last name.


Return Type (Individual, Corporation, etc.)

Select one or more of these check boxes to view only these return types in the Rollover Manager.

Only filters matching return types in the Rollover repository appear. For example, if you had no Corporate returns last year, the Corporate check box would not appear in the filter.


Rolled Over

View returns that have been rolled over from last year's product.


Not Rolled Over

View returns that are yet to be rolled over.


Marked Returns

View returns that have been marked by selecting the check box at the beginning of the row.


Clear Filters button

Removes all the filters and displays all returns for the Rollover Manager.



See Also:

Rollover Manager